Range of Markets

Financial Spread Betting Markets Explained

We have collated a detailed description of all our financial spread betting markets, providing you with detailed market and trade information plus descriptions to explain more about each particular instrument.

US Ultra T-Bond (Decimal), Mar

Bonds - USUltraTBondDecimal
4 *
(Shares only)
1 x stake
NTR: Position (GBP) % ***
0 - 418
418 - 835
835 - 1,671
1,671 +
Limited Risk NTR: Position (GBP) % ***
0 - 209
209 - 418
418 + 0
Spread Premium: Stake (GBP) Multiplier
0 - 167
167 - 334
334 - 835
835 +
Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec
CME Official Closing Price +/- Spread

*Any spread width shown in brackets is the spread which will be applied outside of the market’s normal trading hours.

**Funding applied on daily basis to ‘Daily’ and ‘Daily Futures’ markets only.

***When placing a new trade the NTR Multiplier is calculated from the mid-point of the current price. E.g. if a share is currently trading at 199.7 – 200.3 with an NTR multiplier of ‘10% of the current price’ then the NTR Multiplier at that time will be 20 (10% of 200). Once you have an open position in a market, if that position is a buy it will be marked to the current bid price and therefore the NTR Multiplier will be calculated from the bid price. If the position is a sell it will be marked to the offer price and therefore the NTR Multiplier will be calculated from the offer price. Please note this means that NTR Multipliers will vary as the price and bid-offer spread of the market moves.

Market Description

The US Ultra T-Bond is a specialized type of government bond issued by the US Department of the Treasury. It falls into the category of long-term bonds, with a remaining term to maturity that exceeds 25 years from the first day of the delivery month. In financial spread betting platforms like Spreadex, traders have the opportunity to speculate on the price movements of the US Ultra T-Bond futures. Mastery of the inverse relationship between bond prices and yields is crucial when engaging in this market. As bond prices increase, yields tend to decrease, and conversely, as bond prices decrease, yields often rise. When entering a spread bet, if your analysis indicates the possibility of declining interest rates, you would initiate a 'buy' trade on the US Ultra T-Bond future. Conversely, if you foresee interest rates rising, a 'sell' trade on the US Ultra T-Bond future would be the appropriate choice. It's important to recognize that these trades pertain to long-term interest rates, not short-term bank base rates. While government bonds like the US Ultra T-Bond might not be as widely discussed in the context of financial spread betting, they can capture significant attention, particularly during times marked by economic uncertainty, market volatility, and fluctuations in interest rates.
