Indices - market information

Use the table below to find out all you need to know about spread betting on stock indices with Spreadex.

Use the tab sections to access the market information you require for each product or click on the product name to find a full description of the product.

See further below for our Indices Market FAQs.

Product Trading Hours^ Trade Per Spread Width From
Indices, Dailies
Australia 200, Daily
1 2
China A50, Daily
1 10
China H-Shares, Daily
1 6
Eurostocks 50, Daily
1 1.8
France 40, Daily
1 1
Germany 40, Daily
1 1.4
Hong Kong 50, Daily
1 8
Japan 225, Daily
1 10
Netherlands 25, Daily
0.1 3
Spain 35, Daily
1 7
SPX 500, Daily
1 0.4
Swiss Index, Daily
1 3
UK 100, Daily
1 1
UK MID 250, Daily
1 60
US FANG, Daily
1 1.8
US Russell 2000, Daily
1 0.3
US Tech 100, Daily
1 1
Wall Street, Daily
1 2.4
Indices, Futures
Australia 200, Jun
1 4
China A50, Apr
1 30
China A50, Mar
1 30
Eurostocks 50, Jun
1 4
France 40, Apr
1 4
Germany 40, Jun
1 6
Hong Kong 50, Apr
1 20
Hong Kong 50, Mar
1 20
Japan 225, Jun
1 20
Netherlands 25, Apr
0.1 6
Spain 35, Apr
1 10
SPX 500, Jun
1 1
Swiss Index, Jun
1 6
UK 100, Jun
1 4
UK MID 250, Jun
1 120
US Russell 2000, Jun
1 0.5
US Tech 100, Jun
1 4
Volatility Index EU, Apr
0.1 0.16
Volatility Index, Apr
0.1 2.5
Wall Street, Jun
1 8
Product Min Stake Min Stop Distance G'teed Stop Premium Min G'teed Stop Distance
Indices, Dailies
Australia 200, Daily 0.1 1 3 50
China A50, Daily 0.1 10 N/A N/A
China H-Shares, Daily 0.1 5 N/A N/A
Eurostocks 50, Daily 1 1 1 50
France 40, Daily 0.1 2 1 50
Germany 40, Daily 0.1 2 3 10
Hong Kong 50, Daily 0.05 1 N/A N/A
Japan 225, Daily 0.05 6 10 102
Netherlands 25, Daily 0.2 10 N/A N/A
Spain 35, Daily 0.2 2 6 50
SPX 500, Daily 0.1 1 0.3 10
Swiss Index, Daily 0.1 3 N/A N/A
UK 100, Daily 0.1 2 3 10
UK MID 250, Daily 0.1 10 N/A N/A
US FANG, Daily 0.5 3 0.6 300
US Russell 2000, Daily 1 1 1 50
US Tech 100, Daily 0.1 5 1 10
Wall Street, Daily 0.05 5 3 10
Indices, Futures
Australia 200, Jun 0.1 1 3 79
China A50, Apr 0.1 10 N/A N/A
China A50, Mar 0.1 10 N/A N/A
Eurostocks 50, Jun 1 1 1 50
France 40, Apr 0.1 2 1 400
Germany 40, Jun 0.1 2 3 10
Hong Kong 50, Apr 0.05 1 N/A N/A
Hong Kong 50, Mar 0.05 1 N/A N/A
Japan 225, Jun 0.05 5 10 375
Netherlands 25, Apr 0.2 10 N/A N/A
Spain 35, Apr 0.2 2 N/A N/A
SPX 500, Jun 0.1 1 0.3 57
Swiss Index, Jun 0.1 3 N/A N/A
UK 100, Jun 0.1 2 3 10
UK MID 250, Jun 0.1 10 N/A N/A
US Russell 2000, Jun 1 1 1 50
US Tech 100, Jun 0.1 5 1.5 10
Volatility Index EU, Apr 5 1 N/A N/A
Volatility Index, Apr 5 1 2 20
Wall Street, Jun 0.05 5 3 10
Product Contract Months Last Day of Trading
Indices, Dailies
Australia 200, Daily Daily Rolling
China A50, Daily Daily Rolling
China H-Shares, Daily Daily Rolling
Eurostocks 50, Daily Daily Rolling
France 40, Daily Daily Rolling
Germany 40, Daily Daily Rolling
Hong Kong 50, Daily Daily Rolling
Japan 225, Daily Daily Rolling
Netherlands 25, Daily Daily Rolling
Spain 35, Daily Daily Rolling
SPX 500, Daily Daily Rolling
Swiss Index, Daily Daily Rolling
UK 100, Daily Daily Rolling
UK MID 250, Daily Daily Rolling
US FANG, Daily Rolling
US Russell 2000, Daily Daily Rolling
US Tech 100, Daily Daily Rolling
Wall Street, Daily Daily Rolling
Indices, Futures
Australia 200, Jun Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 18/06/2025 00:00:00
China A50, Apr Monthly 28/04/2025 00:00:00
China A50, Mar Monthly 27/03/2025 00:00:00
Eurostocks 50, Jun Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 20/06/2025 00:00:00
France 40, Apr Monthly 17/04/2025 00:00:00
Germany 40, Jun Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 20/06/2025 00:00:00
Hong Kong 50, Apr Monthly 28/04/2025 00:00:00
Hong Kong 50, Mar Monthly 27/03/2025 00:00:00
Japan 225, Jun Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 11/06/2025 00:00:00
Netherlands 25, Apr Monthly 17/04/2025 00:00:00
Spain 35, Apr Monthly 17/04/2025 00:00:00
SPX 500, Jun Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 20/06/2025 00:00:00
Swiss Index, Jun Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 19/06/2025 00:00:00
UK 100, Jun Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 20/06/2025 00:00:00
UK MID 250, Jun Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 20/06/2025 00:00:00
US Russell 2000, Jun Mar,Jun,Sep,Dec 20/06/2025 00:00:00
US Tech 100, Jun Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 20/06/2025 00:00:00
Volatility Index EU, Apr Monthly 15/04/2025 00:00:00
Volatility Index, Apr Monthly 15/04/2025 00:00:00
Wall Street, Jun Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 20/06/2025 00:00:00
Product Basis of Expiry Price Daily Funding Premium* NTR** Multiplier (Pro) NTR** Multiplier (Retail)
Indices, Dailies
Australia 200, Daily N.A. Adjusted ARR +/- 3.5% 0.5% 5.0%
China A50, Daily N.A. Adjusted ARR +/- 3.5% 0.5% 10.0%
China H-Shares, Daily N.A. Adjusted ARR +/- 3.5% 0.5% 10.0%
Eurostocks 50, Daily N.A. Adjusted ARR +/- 3.5% 0.5% 5.0%
France 40, Daily N.A. Adjusted ARR +/- 3.5% 0.5% 5.0%
Germany 40, Daily N.A. Adjusted ARR +/- 3.5% 0.5% 5.0%
Hong Kong 50, Daily N.A. Adjusted ARR +/- 3.5% 0.5% 10.0%
Japan 225, Daily N.A. Adjusted ARR +/- 3.5% 0.5% 5.0%
Netherlands 25, Daily N.A. Adjusted ARR +/- 3.5% 0.5% 10.0%
Spain 35, Daily N.A. Adjusted ARR +/- 3.5% 0.5% 10.0%
SPX 500, Daily N.A. Adjusted ARR +/- 3.5% 0.5% 5.0%
Swiss Index, Daily N.A. Adjusted ARR +/- 3.5% 0.5% 10.0%
UK 100, Daily N.A. Adjusted ARR +/- 3.5% 0.5% 5.0%
UK MID 250, Daily N.A. Adjusted ARR +/- 3.5% 0.5% 10.0%
US FANG, Daily Adjusted ARR +/- 3.5% 0.5% 10.0%
US Russell 2000, Daily N.A. Adjusted ARR +/- 3.5% 0.5% 10.0%
US Tech 100, Daily N.A. Adjusted ARR +/- 3.5% 0.5% 5.0%
Wall Street, Daily N.A. Adjusted ARR +/- 3.5% 0.5% 5.0%
Indices, Futures
Australia 200, Jun SFE official settlement price on last day of trading +/- spread N/A 0.5% 5.0%
China A50, Apr Singapore Futures Exchange Official settlement price +/- spread N/A 0.5% 10.0%
China A50, Mar Singapore Futures Exchange Official settlement price +/- spread N/A 0.5% 10.0%
Eurostocks 50, Jun EUREX official settlement on last day of trading +/- spread N/A 0.5% 5.0%
France 40, Apr EURONEXT official settlement on last day of trading +/- spread N/A 0.5% 5.0%
Germany 40, Jun EUREX official settlement price on last day of trading +/- spread N/A 0.5% 5.0%
Hong Kong 50, Apr Hang Seng Futures Exchange official settlement +/- spread N/A 0.5% 10.0%
Hong Kong 50, Mar Hang Seng Futures Exchange official settlement +/- spread N/A 0.5% 10.0%
Japan 225, Jun Official settlement on CME's last trading day +/- spread N/A 0.5% 5.0%
Netherlands 25, Apr EURONEXT official settlement on last day of trading +/- spread N/A 0.5% 10.0%
Spain 35, Apr MEFF official settlement on last day of trading +/- spread N/A 0.5% 10.0%
SPX 500, Jun CME official settlement price on last day of trading +/- spread N/A 0.5% 5.0%
Swiss Index, Jun EUREX official settlement on last day of trading +/- spread N/A 0.5% 10.0%
UK 100, Jun ICE official settlement on last day of trading +/- spread N/A 0.5% 5.0%
UK MID 250, Jun ICE official settlement on last day of trading +/- spread N/A 0.5% 10.0%
US Russell 2000, Jun CME official settlement price on last day of trading +/- spread N/A 0.5% 10.0%
US Tech 100, Jun CME official settlement on last trading day +/- spread N/A 0.5% 5.0%
Volatility Index EU, Apr Closing price on day of Expiry. N/A 0.5% 10.0%
Volatility Index, Apr Closing price on day of expiry N/A 0.5% 10.0%
Wall Street, Jun CBOT official settlement price on last day of trading +/- spread N/A 0.5% 5.0%

^Please note that all markets close at 21:15 on a Friday and reopen from 22:00 on a Sunday as specified per individual market trading hours.

†Please note that to see specific expiry dates for certain markets, you need to log in to your account and then click on the 'i' button next to your chosen market. The specific expiry date for that product will be shown on the market information ticket.

*These products are continuously rolled overnight. For funding calculations see our Indices FAQs.

**NTR relates to Notional Trading Requirement (aka 'Initial Margin' and 'Deposit') and refers to the funds required as initial outlay for a trade. It is not the total amount that can be lost on the trade but the minimum amount you need to set aside to place a specific trade. NTRs vary from product to product, please see our Market Information Sheet above for specific details.



All ‘daily’ indices trades will automatically roll every weekday at their specified roll times. Any ‘daily futures’ indices trades will also automatically roll every weekday at their specified roll time up until the final trading day of the existing contract. You can specify whether you would like to roll any indices ‘futures’ or ‘daily futures’ trades to roll into the next contract by visiting the ‘Rolling Trades’ page within ‘My Account’ once you have logged in.

When you first open the account, as a default setting, all preferences are set for trades not to roll. If you wish for your trades to roll past their respective expiry dates it is essential that you have updated these preferences.

If you would like to roll all Indices trades, please ensure that the ‘Stock Indices’ box is ticked, as shown in the above example.



Trades will be automatically rolled by us during the final trading day of the existing contract, if your preferences are set correctly and there are sufficient funds in your account to pay for any charges in the rollover.

When being automatically rolled, your closing price on the expiring contract will be the Bid if you are long and the Offer if you are short. These prices will be taken at the time of the roll and your P&L whether positive or negative will be crystallised. The opening price in the next quarterly contract will be the Bid if you are short or the Offer if you are long.



Your Stop will be rolled over and adjusted for fair futures value. Therefore, your Stop will not be at the same level as previously, but the risk attached to your trade will remain constant.


Following the phasing out of IBOR rates, 1 month Alternative Reference Rates (ARRs) are used in funding calculations. ARRs are based on actual overnight interest rates in liquid wholesale cash and derivative markets.

The applicable ARR will be based on the currency in which the underlying market trades:













Unlike IBOR rates, ARRs do not incorporate credit risk. To compensate for this, we adjust the ARRs based on the one-month spread adjustment proposed by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA).

How to


If you hold a Daily Rolling bet through the close of the underlying market (16:30 for UK 100), your bet will be kept open for the following day's trading and a funding charge will be levied on your account.

Funding is charged to reflect the cost of financing a position that you hold having only put down a fraction of the value as a deposit.

The funding charge is based on the Adjusted ARR + a Spreadex Charge per annum. For all stock market indices the Spreadex charge is 3.5%. Therefore if the Adjusted ARR was 1.5%, the total daily funding charge to a long position would be (1.5% + 3.5%) / 365 = 0.0137% of the total position value.

For Example: You hold a long (buy) position in UK 100 of £1 and at the roll time the price is 7200, your funding charge for the night would be (1x7200) x 0.0137% = £0.99.

If you are short, the 3.5% charge is subtracted from the Adjusted ARR rate. Unlike long positions, the total funding adjustment on short positions can result in either a positive or negative funding adjustment, so your account can be credited or debited funding. If the Adjusted ARR is greater than the 3.5% charge, the funding adjustment will be positive and credited to your account. If the Adjusted ARR is less than the 3.5% charge, the funding adjustment will be negative and debited from your account.

For Example: If the Adjusted ARR was 1.5% and you hold a short position in UK 100 of £1 and at the roll time the price is 7200, your funding charge for the night would be (1 x 7200) x((1.5% - 3.5%) / 365) = -£0.39

For Example: if the Adjusted ARR was 5% and you hold a short position in in UK 100 of £1 and at the roll time the price is 7200, you would be credited funding for the night of (1 x 7200) x ((5% - 3.5%) / 365) = £0.30

The funding is trebled on a Friday afternoon to account for holding a bet over the weekend and bank holidays will be similarly charged.

How to

go long and short in the same market

When placing your second trade on the same market, simply check the ‘Force Open’ box on the trade ticket.

Also, it is possible to open a ‘Force Open’ position via an order.

To do so, place an opening order in the opposite direction to your existing position and once the order is filled it will be a ‘Force Open’ position.

Spreadex financial spread betting how to go long and short a market at the same time image

HOW TO work out the


The Notional Trading Requirement (NTR, Initial Margin or Margin) is the amount of money we require for you to open a bet in a specified product.

The deposit factor will normally be displayed as a percentage and can be found in the indices market information pages.

For example, placing a £10 trade on the UK 100 Daily at 7200 would require £3600 of NTR, as the deposit factor is 5% (£10 x 7200 x 5%).

A trade with a Stop attached: 
For professional clients, the NTR required can sometimes be reduced by using a guaranteed or non-guaranteed stop. For details of how this works, please contact a member of our trading desk.

Stops cannot be used to reduce NTR if you have a retail account.

If you have a ‘Force Open’ position or an opposing trade in both, the futures and daily you will only be charged NTR on the trade with the larger stake. This is because the risk on the two trades offset each other.

HOW TO work out

HOW dividend adjustments affect A bet

A stock index is made up of a collection of different companies. When a company pays a dividend to its shareholders the value of their shares should, generally speaking, fall by the same amount as the dividend paid. As an index is made up of a number of companies, whenever a company within the index pays out a dividend the value of the index should fall as a consequence.

As companies prices within an index are weighted when determining the value of an index, the fall in value of the index will not necessarily equal the value of the dividend.

If you hold a position through the close of a rolling stock index, you will be liable to receive or pay the value of the dividend adjustment. These will be applied as a dividend cash adjustment on your account after the market close.

For example: You have bought £10 UK 100 Rolling Bet. You hold your position into the close of the market at 16:30 and it is reported a dividend of 5.1 points will be deducted from the index.

Just after the close of the market we will adjust the basis of our UK rolling price to account for the 5.1 points coming off the value of the UK 100. Your open P&L will now include this £51 loss. To compensate for this, you will receive a dividend cash adjustment onto your ledger of £51.

If you sold (went short) the UK 100 Rolling for £10, your open P&L would have improved by £51 in the above example and so to reflect this improvement you would be debited £51 from your trading ledger.

If you have bought (are long) the dividend adjustment will be credited to your account.

If you have sold (are short) the dividend adjustment will be debited from your account.

Whilst we don't publish expected dividends on the website, any trader will be happy to confirm the amount if you contact us.


find the FTSE or Dow markets

Due to licensing restrictions we are unable to display markets like the FTSE and the Dow by that name.

Instead the FTSE market is quoted as either the UK 100 Daily, Mar, Jun, Sep or Dec and the Dow as either the Wall Street Daily, Mar, Jun, Sep or Dec.

This is true with most market indices where we name them after the country rather than their exchange name.

HOW TO find the


To find information about a market, including the expiry date, click on the 'i' button next to the market in question when logged into your account.

In most cases the Spreadex expiry date is before that of the relevant exchange traded future.

This is due to contracts becoming illiquid, making it difficult to trade out of any corresponding position that we may hold with our brokers.

As expiry approaches in the market, spreads may also widen significantly.

Rather than widen our spreads and possibly not being able to trade clients out of positions due to the illiquid nature of the underlying market we choose to roll and expire our equivalent market whilst there is still substantial volume in the market.

For all indices market expiry dates please visit our Indices Market Information Sheets or call our financial traders on 08000 526 570.

HOW TO understand


We operate an automatic close out policy which means that some or all of your positions may be closed without notice to you if your account reaches the Close Out Level. Please see Rule 22 of our Customer Agreement. The Close Out Level is reached if your aggregate Available Balance is a negative figure.

You can reduce the risk of your account reaching the Close Out Level by ensuring you have sufficient cash in your account, or by reducing some of your positions – this is particularly important in volatile markets or if you are travelling.

FIND out more on

the ftse 100 index

The FTSE 100 Index (UK 100, Daily) is made up from the 100 most highly capitalised markets on the London Stock Exchange (LSE). It is a joint venture between the Financial Times and the London Stock Exchange and was created in 1984. The companies listed represent over 80% of the total capitalisation on the stock exchange. Some of the companies listed include HSBC, Royal Dutch Shell, BP and Vodafone. 

Find out more on

the dow jones industrial average

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is an index that shows how 30 large publicly owned companies based in the United States have traded during a standard session in the stock market. Also, known as the Industrial Average, the Dow Jones, the Dow 30 or the Dow, the index is one of several created by Dow Jones & Company founder Charles Dow and is now owned by the CME Group.

The index includes companies such as Bank of America, Coca-Cola, Microsoft and Wal-Mart. 

find out more on

the deutscher aktien index (the DAX)

The Deutscher Aktien Index or DAX is an index consisting of the 40 major German companies, as measured in order book volume and market capitalisation, trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Some of the companies listed on the DAX include BMW, Deutsche Bank, Siemens and Volkswagen Group. 

find out more on

The Cotation Assistée en Continu (the CAC)

The Cotation Assistée en Continu or CAC is an index measuring the value of the 40 most significant French companies on the Paris Bourse. It includes companies such as AXA, Michelin and Société Générale. 

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the S&P 500

The S&P 500 is an index owned and maintained by Standard and Poor’s of the top 500 large cap, publicly held companies traded on either of two of the largest US stock markets; the NYSE Euronext and the NASDAQ.

The index includes firms such as JP Morgan, Kellogg’s, Marriott International, PepsiCo and 3M. The size of the firms included, and the fact that they are publicly held, means there is plenty of information available to make educated financial spread bets.

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the nasdaq

The NASDAQ is an American stock exchange based in New York and contains 100 of the biggest non-financial companies – usually technology-based firms – including both domestic and international securities.

It was formed in 1971 and NASDAQ originally stood for National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation Systems.

find out more on

the nikkei

The Nikkei is a stock market index for the Tokyo Stock Exchange which measures the performance of some of Japan’s top companies.

The index includes a variety of recognisable names such as Toyota, Mitsubishi, Sanyo, Sharp, Panasonic, Sony, Honda and many more. Studying information on these high profile companies can help spread bettors make educated trades on one of the world’s most important indices.

The word Nikkei comes from the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, a newspaper that created the Index in 1949 and still is responsible for its calculation.


find out more on

the swiss index

The Swiss Market Index is an index made up of 20 of the largest and most liquid of Switzerland’s stocks.

The securities within the Swiss Market Index represent over 90% of the market capitalisation and 90% of the trading volume of the equities listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange. It includes well known companies such as Swiss Re, Nestlé, Zurich and Credit Suisse.

find out more on

the euro stoxx 50

The Euro Stoxx 50 is a blue-chip index that includes 50 of the super-sector leaders in the Eurozone.

The index is run by Stoxx Ltd, who are owned by Deutsche Boerse AG and SIX Group AG. The index includes companies such as Allianz, AXA, ING, Phillips, Renault and Volkswagen.