UK100 & GERMANY 30 out of hours trading

Trade our UK 100 and Germany 30 Daily and futures markets throughout the night.

Read below to find out more about our out of hours trading service.

What does this mean?
With our extended hours, starting we will quote prices on all UK 100 markets from 21:00. Sunday night through to 21:15 Friday*.

This will allow you to:
• Offset traditional share positions that are only open during the day
• React quicker to breaking market news
• Control risk during times of volatility

How does this affect my stops, limits & orders to open?
All stops, limits and orders to open will still be valid during the overnight session. Therefore, you should be aware that any orders you have working during the main session could be triggered overnight.

Please Note: The ability to trade longer hours offers many benefits, such as being able to react quicker to breaking news and control risk on other positions. However, please be aware that bets could be closed out on an overnight price should the account breach our close out level. To avoid this you should ensure that you keep your account well-funded at all times. Stops/limits/orders to open could trigger on widened spreads during the overnight session.

*No prices will be quoted between 21:15 - 21:30 & 22:15 - 23:00 Daily. The ‘overnight period’ is defined as any time between 21:00 - 07:00.